

Flash droughts are just what they sound like; they happen quickly and without much warning. An example of this occurred during the summer of 2012 when a large section of the U.S. experienced the most substantial flash drought it had seen since the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, which lasted for years.


Though that might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, it's actually a natural process giving scientists clues of impending flash droughts. Flash droughts are just what they sound like; they happen quickly and without much warning. An example of this occurred during the summer of 2012 when a large section of the U.S. experienced the most substantial flash drought it had seen since the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, which lasted for years.


It looked like something right out of a movie or special effects. With the large explosion and flames and everything." Footage that allegedly captured the plane crash appears to show an effort to pull up at the last second, before it hits the surface of the water and becomes a fiery wreck. BBC News has not verified the video.


In 1968, during Apollo 8, Bill Anders offered to humanity among the deepest of gifts an astronaut can give. He travelled to the threshold of the Moon and helped all of us see something else: ourselves," Nasa Administrator Bill Nelson said in a statement. In a previous interview, he described taking it after being given "a little bit of photography training".


Person told the local news station. "It looked like something right out of a movie or special effects. With the large explosion and flames and everything." Footage that allegedly captured the plane crash appears to show an effort to pull up at the last second, before it hits the surface of the water and becomes a fiery wreck. BBC News has not verified the video.


The plane began doing what appeared to be a loop and became inverted, he told the network. "I could not believe what I was seeing in front of my eyes," Person told the local news station. "It looked like something right out of a movie or special effects. With the large explosion and flames and everything." Footage that allegedly captured the plane crash appears to show an effort to pull up at the last second, before it hits the surface of the water and becomes a fiery wreck. BBC News has not verified the video.